Feeding Question

I have a 3" N. Wennerae in a 6g Eclipse. During the summer when I can get small 1-2" crayfish, I offer him a new one as soon as he finishes the last. I make sure he is eager for the food. He'll eat 3 or 4 in a row over a week then lose interest.

During the winter I feed him snails, usually nassarius because they are cheap here. He can eat a half dozen a week, but I usually space them out quite a bit more than that. Say 1 or 2 a week.

There are many other things they will eat, this is just what I am in the habit of providing.


S !


mostly frozen shrimp....to get some exercise for its raptorial appendages, i throw in some snails or a cheap hermit a couple times every two weeks. i used to feed them the occassinal large crayfish, but because of possible health considerations, stopped doing this.
Thanks for the help.......you don't feed them every day then......just a few times a week, say 3 to 4, right?

I feed shrimp pellets, he seems to really like them. I have put in Ghost shrimp when I can get them. I'm going to try krill if the ever get any in.