Few images from the LFS


Premium Member
I stopped at my local fish store today and brought my camera with me, lucky for me because they had some interesting fish today and so I snaped few shots while they were bagging my new clam. :D

First, salt water fish...


Not even sure what tyoe of fish this one is, couldn't get a good look at it but it sure got some mean looking set of shoppers. :D


Some cleaning services...

few more...

few more...

Few more images from the salt water department and then I'll add a few shots of my favorite fresh water fish.





And the reason I came to the store to begin with... :lol:
And some images of the fresh water discus, which are my favorite. ;) Hope you enjoy them as much as I did while taking them.


Great shots Gene- you gotta post a pic of that clam once it''s settled into it's new home :D
Thanks,Greg! I sure will if I can get a good shot of it. As luck would have it it;s under the center brace at the moment... :D
Great shots! Discus have been one of my favorite fresh waters for years. Still need to find a male that my female Turquoise will tolerate... :( Has been an expensive endeavor so far...
Great shots, Gene. Look for my thread, as I had the same idea in mind when I came to the forum tonight.
Thanks, guys! :)
The store I go to is fairly nice, nothing spectacular but decent store to get stuff from. :D

mfisher, what size tank you got where you keep your duscus at?
Perhaps agressiveness comes from too small a territory? I've never kept this fish myself but at the store they have at least 15 fish in a large tank. I have not seen those fish fisht one time while I was there. :)
Right now she's in a 30 gallon. I have kept pairs in 20 gallon long before as long as they were alone. she's just cranky, I think. hehe.

She took out her tank mate early on (about 3 years ago), and has taken out anything I try to put in the tank with her. I think she is just not interested in a tank mate at this time. generally, they only get that aggressive when there is a breeding pair, or when multiples of the same sex are competing for space and food. I feel bad for her though, because she keeps laying unfertilized eggs on the filter inlet but she has taken out 3 potential tank mates up until now (and at those prices, not to mention the slaughter of innocent fish, I can't keep that up!)
Sorry to hear you having problems with getting her a mate... but I can;t offer any advice as I have never kept them myself. :(

Here's another pic I forgot to add, a different kind of hawkfish. Now that one I had kept and it provided endless entertainment for my granddaughter by perching on the rocks and looking straight at her. :D


And another shot of the discus tank, well, a corner of that tank actually.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8308928#post8308928 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by picklepot
These are great...and you had no control over the lighting!

Thank you! :)
Nope, I had no control over anything in there. :D

Greg, this is for you, I could only get a shot of my new clam through the glass. Marc's top down box is not working for me anymore becouse I lowered my canopy and can't get it to fit... :D

Anyways, it is a beautiful clam (I'm biased, of course).

I used to breed Pigeon Blood Discuss before I got into reef. They pretty much form bonds when young (approx 2"-3") and stick with their mates for the rest of their lives. It was the only way I would ever get breeding pairs. I would start off with about 20 young ones in a 125 gal and watch them pair off as they became adults. The large tank helped them establish their own space and I found they were happier and grew faster. When a pair was established they were moved into their own 30 gal. I was never able to get newly acquired adults to pair off. They were just too territorial and would chase other new discuss away. I would love to get back into discuss but there are only so many money pits I can afford at a time.