Well after a long period of dreaming of having clams, and a lot of research.
I ran into the "rules of clam husbundary" and found you are only allowed to have clams IF you have metal halides, that is the rule as people knowledagable in this subject had related to me.
So during my vacation, first two weeks of Nov, I assembled the parts I had ordered, putting on line a 250W, 65K waski, with 20w 03, and 20w 10k.
My pipe organ, and polyps also love this light, wife commented yesterday on their apearance (polyp extension)
So here is a picture of:
1st clam purchased was the Tonga Squamosa, alegadely from walt smith. Picked it up in Hobart, Indiana for $34.99
2nd clam purchased was the maxima from Harbor Aquatics, in Portage, Indiana $35.00,... thanks JT
I ran into the "rules of clam husbundary" and found you are only allowed to have clams IF you have metal halides, that is the rule as people knowledagable in this subject had related to me.
So during my vacation, first two weeks of Nov, I assembled the parts I had ordered, putting on line a 250W, 65K waski, with 20w 03, and 20w 10k.
My pipe organ, and polyps also love this light, wife commented yesterday on their apearance (polyp extension)
So here is a picture of:
1st clam purchased was the Tonga Squamosa, alegadely from walt smith. Picked it up in Hobart, Indiana for $34.99
2nd clam purchased was the maxima from Harbor Aquatics, in Portage, Indiana $35.00,... thanks JT