Finally seen him after 1 + 1/2 years


New member
Firstly can I apologise in advance.

This mantis is so fast, and my tank scaped so, that i'm finding it extremely difficult to get a pic.

This is my first post on this forum and am looking for some general advice.

He's been about since I set the tank up but have never saw him until today.

I've looked at a couple of photos in the forum, and my guy looks like Wennerae. It's a lime green colour, along with a drab browny colour. He's about 2.5 inches long.

The thing is - I have fijian live rock, so can't be 100% on the ID.

In general terms though, should I attempt to remove from my reef tank? I have lost a number of snails/crabs. Will he take fish? Sorry to be vague, but can anyone give me some general advice about mantis in reef tanks?

Many thanks in advance.
I haven't successfully contained a mantis in my 20g yet., I don't know why. But, if it is a Neogonodactylus Wennerae, it is unlikely it will go for fish, unless they are an easier targets than the snails/crabs. I have heard of poeple having mantis' in reef tanks, but I wouldn't reccomend it. I should be getting my Peacock in soon. Hope he survives.... If you do manage to get it into a tank, give it regular rockwork, they sometimes use macro algaes for decoration, if you can manage that. They r supposed to be pretty hardy creatures but they have some weaknesses. I can't name them of of my head maybe some of the other guys/girls can. Good Luck