Fish for the Reef Tank??


New member
I have a 85gal reef tank that I am wanting to add some additional fish to. What are the best to go with that will give me a lot of color and will do well with corals? I currently have a Percula and a Hippo Tang.

If you have any suggestions with pics, please include them.

Maybe a smaller bottom-dwelling fish like a goby or a blenny would be a good choice. I probably wouldn't add any other large fish with that tang in there. Chromis, Damsels, Firefish, Cardinals, and small Wrasses are good choices too.
royal gramma? ahh. I always recommend wrasses. I am such a fan. Checkout some different fairy wrasses or maybe a shrimp and goby combo would be pretty cool. I don't know if you want your substrate torn up but a jawfish might be interesting. If you have a heavily stocked reef tank then something that can interact with the corals like a blenny or a goby would be really cool. My favorite fish in my home tanks are always wrasses, though. There are so many different types and new ones all the time.

I like flame angels, even though the can nip corals. The one in my tank has been in there for 5 years, and is a model tankmate. Not many RED fish in the ocean.
The last fish Im going to put in my tank is a 4-line wrasse (Pseudocheilinus Tetrataenia) very cool looking fish and stays small.