Fish in or out?


New member
My tank has suffered loss recently, I'm down to 2 healthy fish and two hanging on. I have treated the tank with prazi and now done a water change. The Foxface is swimming about but shows no interest in food. Its left eys seems "destroyed", would you leave it in or get it out and lose it? I have no qt to move it to. Pics below taken today. Opinions please.

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Looks like velvet, it wont stop until all the fish are dead or taken to a separate tank and treated with medication.

It can also be uronema, but hard to say from this picture, plus it is generally not very infective and only kill fish with open wounds.
Luckily, I have not had many fish die on me....but the few that did die, they basically all perished the same way -- stopped eating, started breathing heavy, kind of stayed in one place and then after a few days found them belly-up at the bottom of the tank. I hate to say it, but I think he is a goner. Personally, I don't think there is much you can do. Its just nature.
With no hospital tank to move him to, I say do what you can in your current tank. Moving him around will only serve to further stress him. I hope he makes it though!
With no hospital tank to move him to, I say do what you can in your current tank. Moving him around will only serve to further stress him. I hope he makes it though!
Unfortunately I had to take him out. Got two healthy fish in the tank. Odd that they weren't affected by whatever wiped the rest out.

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They just may be strong enough to be immune.
Be cautious, anything like velvet and Ick is still in the tank.

I would not add any fish for 2-3 months.