Fish suggestions for FOWLR


New member
Hey everyone, I would love to a few more fish to my 120 fowlr (5 feet long). I think a small group of Anthias would be pretty but I know they require really frequent feedings. Or maybe some fairy wrasse? Any ideas?

Current fish
Juvenile Harlequin Tusk
Powder Blue Tang
Ornate Wrasse
Tahitian Butterflyfish
Coral Beauty
Flame Angel
Yellow Tail Damsel
Algae Blenny
A great alternative to a school of anthias is a harem of Royal Grammas, or Orchid Dottybacks. These fish all start as females, with the largest one in a group turning into a male. So if you start with four smaller ones and one larger one, you pretty much get an instant harem. Natural harem social behavior is a blast to watch, like a good soap opera!