Did you mail order this fish and would you recommend mail order this fish? Are there captive-raised/bred specimen available and where?
1.) Got mine from a LFS, no breeding in captivity to my knowledge.
Any tips on how you picked a healthy specimen of this species from LFS?
2.) Looked around until I found an active swimmer and a good feeder with an overall disease free aperence.
What do you think is the ideal size to get?
3.) Something above 2" but below 7"
Are there any noticeable differences in body shape, pattern or color among the same species or between juvenile and adult of this species?
4.) Yes, color paterns are different. Juviniles have an almost yellow head kind of like they are wearing a mask, as they mature this yellow only covers the mouth area and a "ring" developes around the mouth as well. There are some other minor changes as well.
Is there a way to tell the sex of this fish?
5.) Not to my knowledge, but I have heard the males have deeper colors, but this is not confirmed to my knowledge.
Any special tips about the acclimation and introduction of this fish?
6.) no more then any other SW fish.
Any special needs for this fish or special considerations for young specimen?
7.) Keep them well fed especially when young. Also obvious water quality issues.
Should this fish be the first or the last to introduce to a tank?
8.) IMO, the last.
What tankmates do you have with this fish?Is it a reef or FO tank?
9.) Mine was in a FO tank as is my current one. My last one lived with a Queen Angel, HUGE Volitian Lion, Tesselatta Moray, Large Naso, and a Panther Grouper.
Have you had more than one of this species in the same tank? If so, is there a certain male/female ratio or group number worked for you (to have a harem or pecking order)? Do they school?
Have you had other species of the same genus/family in the same tank?
10.) NO, Only 1 per tank. as far as I know, they are not schooling fish like some other Triggers. I currently have a Clown trigger and a Queen Trigger together with no problems.
Whatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s the stocking order (considering the above factors) that worked for you?
11.) Clown Trigger was in the tank first and was about 7" when I introduced a juvi. Queen about 2-1/2"
Did this fish hurt/eat any of other fish (or vice versa)?
12.) I have owned 2 Clown Triggers, either one was aggressive.
Did this fish hurt/eat Cnidaria (corals, mushrooms or anemones)?
Did this fish hurt/eat ornamental crustaceans (shrimps, hermits, crabs)?
Did this fish hurt/eat Mollusks (snails, clams, oysters, mussels)?
Did this fish hurt/eat Echinoderms (sea cucumbers, sea stars, urchins)?
Did this fish hurt/eat Worms (feather dusters, flat worms, etc)?
13.) N/A
How did you get this fish to eat at first?
14.) Easy, just threw in some cut shrimp and he chowed down within an hour after being in the tank.
If this fish only accepted live food, how did you wean it over to prepared food?
15.) N/A
Whatââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s the diet?
How much and how often do you feed?
How does this fish eat?(grazers, active or sedentary predators, sand sifters, etc)
Does this fish eat any microalgae or macroalgae in your tank? If so what type of algae?
16.) Mine eats everything, I feed fresh shrimp, clams, scallops, squid or whatever else is on sale at the grocery store as well as silver sides. I feed a few times a day usually twice a day. These fish eat most anything, but do tend to get picky from time to time, sometimes mine turns away certain foods and the next day accepts them again. Mine loves caulerpa and romain lettuce, it actually eats more of it then my Angel.
What is the initial size of your fish and maximum size it reached? How fast did it grow (how much growth over a given period of time)?
17.) Both were around 3" when I got them. My last one lived to 11 years old and was around 14" It grew fast for the first 7" or so then dramatically slowed down after that. My current one is about 1 year give or take, and is about 5".
What size tank did this fish live in? (or how soon did this fish outgrow what size tank)? What do you think is the minimum tank size required for an adult specimen of this fish?
18.) Mine were in a 180, now in a 360. I would not put this fish in less then a 150 unless it was a juvenile.
If this fish went through body pattern change from juvenile to adult, was the change complete? How long did it take?
19.) Yes, less then a year.
How long have you kept this fish? If you no longer have this fish, what was the cause?
20.) My last one I kept for 11 years. I lost him to a bacterial infection from my Grouper bighting him in the face to steel food from his mounth :-(
My current one is alive and kickin!
What is the longest lifespan and the maximum size of this fish in home aquarium and/or in the wild reported?
21.) Not sure, I believe they can reach 24" in the wild, not sure about captivity. I believe they can live up to 20 years in captivity. Maybe more.
What disease has this fish had? How did you treat it, for how long? What's the effect of the treatment?
22.) None, Only a bacterial infection that rapidly consumed the fish, tried anti biotics to no avail. This fish died one week to the day after being bitten.
Does this fish change body color under any circumstances?
23.)Yes, turns pale when sleeping.
Does this fish dig the substrate often?
24.) Mine never did.
How active is this fish? Is this fish shy?
25.) very very active. Not shy at all.
How territorial or aggressive is this fish? How does this fish interact with tankmates?
26.) Not aggressive at all, but my last one was getting grumpy with age, he didnt tollerate much from other tank mates. My current one has not bothered anything.
Did this fish ever jump out of the tank?
27.) NO
How does this fish sleep?
28.) Usually in a cave upside down or on it's side.
Does this fish allow cleaners to clean? If so which cleaner and how often?
29.) N/A
How does this fish interact with human?
30.) Incredible, very excited when I come to the tank. Almost like a dog when you come home from work. Both of mine would lay on their side so I could pet them.
Did the fish release toxic substance that killed other creatures in the tank?
31.) NO
Any other interesting observation of this fish?
32.) not really, read above, pretty much sums it all up.
If you have a mated pair, how did you get them to pair up?
Any information of spawning in captivity?
33.) NA
Your overall assessment of this species -
How sensitive is this fish to poor water quality on a scale of 1-5?
1 - very tolerant, may survive a cycle in a new tank
2 - quite tolerant, may survive accidental ammonia or nitrite spike
3 - not terribly sensitive to reasonable pH, salinity or temperature changes
4 - sensitive to any significant water chemistry changes, and may show stress during such changes
5 - very sensitive to water quality, may easily get stressed and get sick with any change in water chemistry
34.) 2 I personally would never cycle a tank with one of these incredible fish.
Do you think we should not keep this fish (for what reason)?
Would you recommend this fish to beginners?
35.) I would recommen this fish to a beginner.
Is this fish best kept in mature/established (6 months or older) tank?
36.) Yes, IMO, give your filtration time to mature, these are messy eaters becuase they chen instead of evgulfing <sp>
Any other recommendations/comments?
36.) Give them lots of swimming room, a varried diet, good water qualty, A BIG Skimmer, and you'll have a great pet for many years to come.
Do you have any links to web sites, online articles or any other source of information about this species that you would recommend?
37.) Not off the top of my head.
If you have any picture(s) of this fish you took, please post it here and share with us
38.) Look next to my name