Flame Angel in a 30 Cube?


New member
I am in the process of considering fish to put into my 30g cube. The flame angel is certainly an attractive fish, but I am concerned it might get too big for my tank. Liveaquaria has it listed as requiring a minimum of 30 gallons. Other fish being considered are green chromis, percula clownfishes, neon blue goby, that sort of thing. Maximum of 4 fish.

In addition, I plan on housing several species of LPS in this tank (and maybe an SPS or two). I hear that the flame angel is 'reef-safe-ish.'

Any advice, or personal experiences?

i think your tank would be borderline too small, but ok if the flame was the showcase fish.
for example, if you did a flame, 2 percula, and a neon goby, i think that would be ok.
for info, i have a 110 with a flame, gray poma angel, 2 chromis, 2 blue fiji damsels, a neon goby, and a yellow watchman goby. roughly 4 times the stock we're talking for your 30 gal. keep the rockwork kinda open and i think you'd be ok.
also, do NOT get a cherub pygmy angel for that tank- they do not adapt well to small tanks imo.

as for corals, i have a millepora fire coral, a favia coral, and a montipora, and my flame doesn't touch any of them. also have a few zoos and other misc "things" growing in my tank.
most people would say no to that and I use to say no too

but I have a flame in a 60G and people still say no

but hey its your tank and if the fish seems happy then do it as long as you have a plan B that's fair to the fish
Well, I suppose I will give it a try. Prior to purchasing I will make sure the LFS will take the flame back should it not appear suitable. It will be a couple of months before I do this, so any other comments will still be appreciated.
The flame should be fine just make sure when you purchase your fish that it looks alert, colorful and has been feeding well.

Good luck