Flame Angel picking at my clam

All Delight

New member
I've had the clam for about 2 months. He was doing fine. Then I got a flame angel about a week ago. Two days after having the flame the clam doesn't open up anymore. Whenever the flame swims by the clam closes even more.

I finally witnessed the flame pick directly at the clam. He wasn't even hungry. He did this only 20 mins after feeding. I've seen him also pick at daisy polyps. I'm kinda scared because I have some yumas that I paid some good money for and I'm not about to loose them.

Is my clam a goner? r is this a curious stage the flame goes through while in a new tank? I'd hate to loose the clam but he's easier to catch then the flame.
I ditched my Flame in favor of my corals. Unfortunately, they're just not as reef safe as some claim.
I returned my flame after about 2 wks after it nearly decimated my acro and montipora. It wiped out my green star polyps and chased my big mean maroon clown all over the place. I was told it was 50-50 to whether it would eat corals. Mine did.
My flame only pics at the rock. I guess I am glad I got what I hope is a good one. I have had it for 2 months.
It's the chance that you take with all the angels, pygmy and large, that one day one will start to pick on a coral or clam. You need to take that into account when you get one and then make the decision if you want to keep the angel and let it eat the coral or get rid of that type of coral.
If possible, you could try moving the clam to an area not frequented by the flame - maybe high up in the tank?
The clam is at the highest point of my tank. I'm hoping this is just a very short 3 day stage he's going through and he'll leave it alone.

If my hopes are unrealistic let me know. At that point I'll probably just get rid of the clam. Damn I like it alot though.....
They can be fine for months on end and then one day just develop a taste for clam mantle and corals. I will never keep my angels in with corals. Well, except kenya :)
FWIW- I put a Singapore angel in my tank a while back - immediately he started nipping a clam. I removed the clam right away but then put it back about 6 weeks later - it's been in with the Singapore for ~ 3 wks now & he hasn't touched it

I can make guesses but i really have no idea what this means or how it will turn out
angels can also one day start eating inverts, esp clams. heard lots of horror stories of people waking up to find their dwarf angel had eaten $$ of clams.