Flame or Coral Beauty?


New member
I want to get an angel fish.. im debating between the Flame anglefish and the Coral Beauty.. any suggestions?
i like pretty colors.. and i dont have much choice because i have a small tank.. what other fish do you suggest?
I haven't had a flame but I seen them, they're pretty. But I do have a coral beauty and with the right lights they are stunning.
What no way the flame angel!! their beautiful... also if you \upgraded your account and got a couple you might even get a pair!!!!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6978032#post6978032 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by angelsj247
yah that one is pretty... would it be ok in a 20gal?
IMHO none of the Centropyge angels are really suited for a 20g - some of them are smaller than others but all want room to roam. Definitely rule out the Potter's, they can reach 5"+.
flame angels are corny looking....not very unique....looks like a kid's fish. plus aren't they worse with coral munching.
flame or coral beauty

flame or coral beauty

flame or coral beauty?

If you had a 120 I would say try both. I have a flame and a coral beauty in a 90. Introduce them at the same time with a anthias or chromis and they will split the tank and focas on the smaller fish. Be prepared to remove the dominate fish.
A twenty gallon is really too small for any dwarf angel. They need more room plus they need a lot of live rock to pick on and supplement their diet. If you get at least a 55 gallon tank I would recomend a keyhole angel. Not everybody has one and mine eats small aiptasia.(I love that fish!!) I'm not sure but maybe a pygmy angel would be ok in a twenty.
I agree that a 20 might be a little too small for a centropyge angel. But if I had to choose between the two I would go with a coral beauty. Sure the flame is a little more attractive but IMO the coral beauty is much hardier.
I also agree if you get a bigger tank, you could get both :)