float switch

mr pink floyd

New member
is there a float switch that is sold that can cut power of if water drops too low?

like not a valve, but a switch, where the float drops, and it hits a switch to cut off power to pumps or something?
Sure, just a regular float switch. Mount it in an inverted fashion. When the water level is apporpriate, the switch is floated to the base, enabling power. When the water level drops, the float falls and contact is broken.

Float Switch
You can try www.floatswitch.com I got one off of them. Its been working great it comes in the normally closed aopplication, So it may need to be turned upside down to work oppisite Normally open. Its a very low amperage switch. 50 watts. I run a maxi jet through it 8.5 watts. I also fused it just in case anything stupid happens with the powerhead. if you are going to run any real amperage through it, they have a relay kit too.