found my anenome


Premium Member
Almost 2 months ago, I posted this thread reguarding my anenome taking a leap of death into my overflow. Long story short, I lost him and never seen him again. Yesterday I was adding top off to my sump and low and behold, there it was. How did it get down there....the ONLY way it could have gotten down there is through the overflow tubes...and I think it would have had to go through my 'dry' tube (the one that I dont use) so how this thing is still alive, I have absoutly no idea. Something else, it went into my skimmer section of the sump, through the bubble trap and it was sitting in my return pump area.

Its bleached, but other than that, it looks fine. Crazy. I threw my sump 10k light over it and it instantly opened up. I dropped some food into it, and it chomped it up.

Now I gotta figure out how to get it back into my tank without injuring it or stressing it.