foxface in the overflow!

Rodeo Clownfish

New member
oh no! Last night my fox face decided to jump into the overflow, and it was a bit of a squeeze. This is first time this has happenend to me in two years of reefing. I had to go buy a net, and it was a bit of a struggle, but he's back in the main tank (although he is as mad as a wet hen, he's gone into hiding and won't come out). I hope this won't have been too stressful on him. He didn't seem to have any marks on him, but he did have some brown splotchiness that he tends to get when he's feeling stressed.
He is just a littel stressed, he will be fine, just give him a little time to readjust.
I had a yellow chromis do that also what a pain to get out of the overflow with the durso pipes. She to hid for a little bit after im sure your fish will be fine.