Fragging a fox coral


Premium Member
I've got a fox that's rapidly outgrowing my 30g. I'd like to frag it into one larger section and one smaller, place the smaller back in the 30g and move the larger into my 65g.
I can't find specific info on fragging these guys and I'm terrified I'll injure it - it's shaped like a wall with the flesh at the top and separated into about six sections; can I just cut through the skeleton (vertically) between two lobes? It seems too easy to be true so I wanted to ask before I accidentally do something stupid.
Has no one fragged a fox? I looked in the 'info on fragging LPS' thread, RK magazine, Google... I can't find much. Any personal experience?
I've used PVC cutters to frag Fox corals. They frag pretty easily. You can even just snap them in half with your hands, but that would not make a precise cut, so I wouldn't recommend it.