Free Cualerpa!


Active member
Anyone who wants some razor caulerpa send me a pm. I am giving away some cuase I hate wasting it and its full of pods, I've recently just been tearing it out of my fuge and tossing it. Pick up only!
Sorry guys I was away from the net yesterday. I sent replies out, those who gave there phone numbers will get a call tonight after school.
prideprops: I notice you're in Pompano, if you wanna pair up or have me pick some up for you or visa versa, PM me your number!
For those of you still interested in cualerpa I will be home friday, sunday till 3pm, and monday. Due to the large number of requests I recieved, I may not have enough for everyone. Your best bet will be to call me and let me know when you would like to pick up. I am going to portion the algae out to meet demand as best I can. My friend has alot of red grape algae he will probably bring some to me to give out as well. Please understand that I am doing this for free, to help others start there refugiums, feed there hungry herbivores or whatever other reason yall might want it. Also don't worry, I will surely have more as it grows back, and others here will gladly give you algae for your tanks as well just ask. I will post a new forum around early december as i'll have more corals to sell as well.
Happy Reefing!
Ryan, thanks for your generosity!! Nice stuff! And andrewwl, thanks for the offer to pick up but I was down in that area and was able to meet up with Ryan. My seahorses thank you too!
No problem to those who picked up from me, thanks for helping me weed out my tank. I still have some availible, but it must be rationed in smaller portions than previously. That is until next time it overgrows the equipment. Of course it grows back fast so i'll be in touch. I am always willing to help.