Free Frags


Premium Member
Well I just got back from a great snorkeling trip and got a bunch of extra frags SPS, LPS and softies for my fellow Okinawan Saltwater Gang. Give me a call if you would like to stop by. I live at Mc T my cell is 090-1947-9875. I would like to give them away ASAP.

I have given all my extra frags away; however, I am going diving tomorrow and might be collecting some goodies. If anyone has any requests, let me know.
Semper Fi

Hey I was wondering if u would ship to Des Moines Iowa 50322. by the way I was at french creek NC.

I could ship there; however, I don't think anything would arrive alive. Sorry, this is a local hookup only. Good luck with your new tank.

Brad, I should be comming through okinawa (Kadena ab) on my way back to yokota sometime in Feb. I would take just about anything you'll give, the only thing i am staying away from is the SPS's. Not because, my system can't handle them, i just dont like the way there are soo many SPS dominated tanks out there. I already have my stuff set up and my wife is taking care of everything untill I get back. I am really looking for some more zoos and shrooms, but i DEFINATLY wont turn down any LPS either. The only things i have right now are some frogspawn, anemone, zoo's, feathers, xenia, 2 crocea's, and a pretty good cleaner package with some fish. I have a 50 gal, so i have plenty space for more coral. I will give you a shout again next month whenever i get a firm(well sorta) date that Ill be there. I like alot of color in my shrooms, zoo's, and lps, bright greens are good, reds, and blues the same. THANKS!
hey brad if you could get me some sps frags i would appreciate it. Right now i am in miramar doing a plane acceptance. I will be back in the next 2 weeks. If you could get me some and hold them in your tank I would appreciate it. I am looking for bright looking sps, I would appreciate it!