Free kenya trees and other corals for sale

Just wanted to say thanks again. Great stuff, I also got 2 nice little mini brittle stars as hitchhikers.. Good stuff. Thank you , If you have any other cheap stuff you wanna get rid of let me know.
Well, all sales went well, I'm glad to hear that John's coral are good and healthy, and thanks again to everyone who showed interest.
I'm leaving today at 3:30, so whoever wanted to come by and pick stuff up, this morning is it until I'm down again in a month or so.
Anyone who missed frags last time, you're welcome to come by this weekend, as I'm home again until Monday, and again, everything has grown out of control. Now I've got frag plugs though if anyone wants their pieces mounted. Mounted acro/montipora frags are $15. Still more kenya trees than I can shake a stick at.
Hey Reef,

I'd be interested in picking up a few pieces. Some Zoos, Kenya tree and a baby or frag Pocillapora. I'll PM you my number.


Okay. I've got a few types of zoos. I'm around today if you feel like making the drive. Feel free to drop me a PM or call five six one, six three two, two zero seven six.