Free Live Sand in Oakland

ac green

New member
Just took down a remote sand bed and have 1 and a half 5 gallon buckets full of live sand.

Come and get it!

PM me for details.
Thanks for asking!

Trip was great! Will post another thread with a review and some pics.

Never heard back from cyclebrkr so if you want to come by and pick it up, let me know. Should be around most of the day.
I'll give you a call tomorrow to see if you're free and see how your trip was!

I also fragged a few pieces of that nice green colony you gave me (a mantis made a burrow and killed the colony, i salvaged pieces that didn't RTN and are doing well), I can bring some for you!

talk to you soon =)
got too caught up in my basement stand build, when I checked the time it was already 10pm

i'll try to give you a ring over the next weekend, if someone else wants the sand, however, let them have it first =)