Free Mantis in Miami


New member
I have a mantis shrimp that I am looking to give away. The only catch is that you have to live in the Miami area to pick it up. I do not want to ship it.

The Mantis is your average greenish brown hitchhiker variety. It is about 1-1/4" long. He is ugly. I don't know enough about mantis shrimp to be able to classify it as a spearer or smasher.

I am giving the shrimp away for free, but if you feel compelled to give me a coral frag or two to show your gratitude, I will not object.
Well, if you decide to ship (which is very easy to do expecially now that its nice out) let me know.

Do you have pictures?

If your interested in shipping let me know and I can tell you the best way to do it.
