FS: Coral packs update. Going quick

Still can make few of these packs 100.00
1. ORA Red Planet
2. Orange and green birdsnest
3. Yellow Birdsnest
4. Pink/Red digitada-
5. Green Pocillopora
6. Red Montipora or Green- You Pick
7. ORA Neon green birds
8. Seasons greetings montipora
9. Sunset Monti
10. WWC Tricolor Stag
11. ORA Ponape Birds
12. Couple Yellow brick Road polyps or Eye Of Rah - You Pick
Thanks again Mike for the generously sized frags, hopefully I didn't make you late for going to daycare. All of em look great, & are getting use to their new spots. :)
Was looking for a couple polyps and a few other sps depending what you have avaiable

as far as polyps-

eye of rah- 3 pp
UC- 25 pp i would have to frag colony
chuckies brides- 1 polyp =15, 2=25, 3=30
red hornets - 5pp
electric oompa loompas 4p(2 and 2 babies)= 75.00 fragged already
pastel rainbows- 20pp

I have everything from first page but not cutting tenuis or voodoo. i few other as well.

Already fragged forest fire digitadas- 20.00
Would like to get some zoas in my tank I'll text you this week with the number you posted. Do you have people come during the week or just weekends?
Mike ill take 2 polyps uc the 3 polyps of chuckies brides a frag of Forrest fire digi and if you have it avaiable bubblegum mili let me know when your avaiable
Please text me if you want frags. I usually dont sell one frag at a time at my unbeatable prices. ( ; Please pick a couple. 954-666-7954.

Monday, Tues, and Thursday im usually available from 3pm-5:30

Monday-Friday from 7-8pm

Weekends Vary
