FS: Tyree LE Sunset Monti, Real Deal Superman Danae & Purple Monster - SF Bay Area


New member
FS: Tyree LE Sunset Monti, Real Deal Superman Danae & Purple Monster - SF Bay Area

I'll be selling all my SPS. The first to go are the following:

Tyree LE Sunset Monti - I got this frag from SniperSPS (current Tank of the Month), who Steve Tyree originally received it from. About 3/4" all the way around, fully encrusted. $100


Superman Danae 1" Full Encrusted - I got this frag from Rommel at Ultimatefrags. $95


And Finally:

Tyree LE Purple Monster - 2+ branches. One branch is about 3/4" and the other about 1/2". Fully Encrusted on plug. Coloring up nicely. $125


I will ship UPS or Fedex Overnight Priority by 10:30am. I will pack in cooler with heat pack. Shipping should be about $50

Please PM or post here

All corals are under T5's and VHO's.

I will be posting more SPS in another thread.