ft meyers area? i have 3 mantis to get rid of


New member
i've pulled 3 mantis out so far.. definetly 2 different kinds. anyone wanna come pick em up? would love some mushrooms or some easy to care for polyp frags for trade :D

i might have another still in main tank =(
no i don't have any pics =(..
one reason i'd rather not ship.. i'm not paying for it to come back!! tryin to get rid of em.. lol

one of them looks like dan87's pics in his "mantis caught" thread.. it's also 1.5 to 2 in long. one of the others is a little bigger and mostly green he does have some bright red on him. the 3rd is a litte guy only about a inch long but looks similar to the larger one
Oh yeah, forgot about that :(. Well how far away is Fort Myers from WPB? I'm 15 and i doubt my mom or anyone would drive me there to get a mantis shrimp, thats why i asked for ship.
Damn.... well I would really like to get one of them.. do you know what kind they are? most likely a smasher but what kind of LR did u get?
Re: sent a pm

Re: sent a pm

hackster1 said:
sent you a pm

I tried to send you a PM but your box is full.
Where are you located in Iowa?
I'm in Des Moines and I now have a Mantis I may want to sell/trade in the next couple weeks.
I don't want to ship but if your close enough maybe we can work something out.
I have 3 colors Red/Green/ And a dark greenish/blue all three are about 2" or a little larger, I also have one that was only about a 1/2'' long but I haven't seen him in a couple months.
They're all in a dedicated 38 gallon tank so they won't be easy to catch but not impossible.
What do you mean when you said" I'm not paying for him to come back"? I will nto send this animals back lmao i want one desperately
Re: lllosingit

Re: lllosingit

hackster1 said:
Sorry bout that John.

Im interested and i sent you a PM

Its still full= vBulletin Message
This user's mailbox is currently full, and cannot be sent any messages until it is cleaned out. An email has been sent notifying the user of this. Please try your request at a later time.
I looked on the map and it would be quite a drive to pick up a Mantis.
If you think your going to be in or near Des Moines in the next couple weeks let me know and I can hold on to it for you.
I'll take the big one, can come over tomorrow evening, assuming you're in Fort Myers, Fl. Tank is set up and ready to go, just waiting for a mantis.

All I have to trade is a montipora digitata frag, already mounted, what's your lighting ?

Send me a pm.



fixed the pm thing, box is empty now!

Geez no one ever told me you have to delete your sent items folder also ! geez!:rolleyes:

Anyways i sent you a pm, let me know what you think
