Fuge Light and Fans


Premium Member
1. What is the Home Depot bulb people are using for there fuge? I couldn't find any temp ratings on any of the packages, and they don't carry the one Melev uses.

2. My temp is 81.4 without lighting. I'm concerned that when I have my VH0s on for 8 hours that I'm going to go way over 82. Will fans alone be good enough? What would you recommend? I remember a post with an array of like 4 fans that installed in the hood, anyone have that?
Lights of America floodlight. I don't remember the exact wattage, however if you look inside the floodlight, you'll see it's just like 6 small PC bulbs. It's intensely bright.

I've heard that VHOs pump out the majority of the heat that people have problems with with overheating. If you fan-cooled your hood it would definitely help control the temps. If that's not enough, you can aim a fan or two down over the water and the increased evaporation will lower temps as well.
Hey Flee,

1. I do use the HD brand, but cannot remember off the top of my head.
2. On my 92g I am using 2 x 120mm Zalman fans. They are really quiet, especially with the rubber mounts that I used. My temperature without lights runs at 78. My fans come on with my first actinics, and the temperature does not change. I made sure to have plenty of air escapes in my canopy. I point the fans across all the lights but they are not aimed down at the water. I used one of those adjustable converters and set my voltage from 12v to 9v when I realized my temp was stable.
Make sure to have the fans blowing air in, exhaust will take care of itself with enough holes.
I have seen fans cool metal halide tanks. I bought the air king fan from sunlight supply and it works very good for the sump. You can also put fans in the canopy which is prefered but since I don't have a canopy that is not an option. You will get more evaporation with fans but they get the job done.

I had a huge issue with heat in my tank and I always thought it was the lights but found out it was a pump. My temp with the pump off is 5 degrees cooler now. I would test your pumps just in case.

i use fans only 6 - 120mm comp. fans. 4 fans extract the hot air air from above 2 fans cool the water directly on my 110 with 2 X 250W MH + 260 watts of PC actinics on at the same time. the way i designed my canopy i can circulate air VERY well and i can get my temps down into the mid to low 70's if i wanted. i also have an additional 7" clip on fan over my fuge when needed. i love when folks say "if you have MH you are gonna need a chiller" NOT!!! :-)
i used to have a 55 with 440 watts of vho's on it. had a single fan on the canopy. I don't remember what the temp was, but if you do a push/pull with 2 fans...1 on each side that were on with your lights I would imagine that would help take away most of the heat!
Thanks everyone. I have installed 2 (4.75") fans into the canopy with a push/pull configuration. Going to see how that does. I have an almost open back on the canopy so that should help. I may still need to put something on the fuge...
FleeVT, when I was doing research, most people said that using a push pull was essentially halfing your effeciency. From what everyone says you are better having 2 that push air into your canopy, then having evacuation wholes that the air can escape from. Another advantage is fan life, a fan that sucks out the air, will be pulling moist air, that could help reduce the life of that fan.

Of course, if what you are doing works for you, then no sense in fixing something that is not broke.
Husky, Now I wish I would have put them in as you suggested. Thanks!
I'm going to give it a few days like this, logging temperatures. If I have to get back up there and turn that fan around, so be it. Thanks for the advice.
FleeVT, let me know if you get the same results as Husky talked about. I will be re-doing my canopy in a few weeks and want to know Push Pull Vs Push with escape. Thanks