Fuge not growing chaet too well - suggestions


Active member
I tagged onto a previous thread but got no answers, so thought I'd start my own. I'm relatively new to macros (but learning :)), so be gentle...:)

I added a CPR HOB refugium (18"x4"x12") on a 75g tank. I stocked it with chaetomorpha, and have it primarily for pod growth and macro...I put it in specifically because I was having a nitrate issue. The nitrates, although better, are still an issue, with around a 5ppm increase a week, so I'm wondering if the chaetomorpha just isn't growing well enough (I've also been searching for reasons why the nitrates are an issue in the first place, since I have a DSB, but that's a different story).

The fuge is the 18" long version, around 3 gallons, with live sand, pods, etc. For lighting I'm currently using a 20W NO flourescent - an ugly Home Depot special - but it doesn't seem to light the 'fuge well enough, so I've just ordered a 55W PC fixture with a 5000K bulb. Could lighting be the issue? Phosphates are fairly low now (after a series of water changes a month ago), around 0.1. In addition to the chaetomorpha, I also put in there some of the red gracilaria that the LFS sell for tangs - it's not growing much, mostly I just use it for storage of a handful while I feed it to the tangs over a month's time.

I *have* noticed a macro growing pretty well, though, and I've had to harvest it a couple times already. Forgive me for not knowing the name, but I'm just starting to get familiar with macro - it starts its life as long thin green strands that grow from the sides of the fuge, which eventually thicken up into flat blades that start to get crinkly after a while - looks like long blades of green grass. Does this sound like ulva? This stuff grows like wildfire in the 'fuge. I didn't put it there, but I've had it grow in the tank before, so it made its way to the fuge.

Any ideas for increasing chaetomorpha growth? I've hesitated to add iron without learning more about this, and I'm wondering if the 55W PC is too much for the 'fuge (but I got a decent deal on the fixture, so I took it ).

Thanks for any help...

bbk (aka Arthur)
In my fuge I have chaeto as well.
Just like you I had it lit with a 20 watt NO bulb.
One day at HD I bought a Lights of America fixture (for about $25) and I hung it over my fuge 2 weeks ago.
I know some say lighting isn't that big of a deal with macros but I can testify that the amount of chaeto in my fuge has actually doubles.

The whole PC thing you may want to cancel and just get one of those instead.

Hi, Sean...

Thanks for the response. The 20W NO fixture I have is a LOA...what was different about the new one for you? Do you have a part number? What's the wattage?

$25 sounds a whole lot better...:)

Wow...how big is your 'fuge? Mine is pretty shallow - 12" - but based on what I've read, I definitely need to upgrade the lighting from the 20W I have. Does HD sell PC?


My fuge is 30 gallons.
I do not believe HD sells Power Compacts. Though I have never looked.
That light is only about 14 inches long and 7 inches wide.
Did the new light fixture help?

I have the same problem. My 29g fuge setup for 3 months now with chaeto. I use the LOA 65w mentioned above. The chaeto does not look to be growing though. It was floating like pictured below but now is on the bottom of the fuge. Does it grow in density first before spread out in fuge? Becasue I think its "thicker" now than when first added hence the sinking to the bottom instead of floating?

Boobookitty, I also have an 18" aquafuge, and I use a 13watt PC over it. My chato grows great, it probably doubles every two weeks or so. But that could be because my tank is nasty:p . The light is a shoplight that I bought from Lowes for 20bucks, and it is even waterproofed. Sorry, no pictures.

Syris, chaetomorpha grows from the inside of the clump, I think. What I did was to pull it apart so it was stretched out. This helped to increase its size a lot.
I am considering an LOA fixture as well, my flourescents keep the macro alive but it isnt growing all that fast.

Syris- you should consider removing that rio, you dont really want powerheads in a fuge, fuges should have slow but steady water flow, so the pods can safely reproduce, i have read the powerheads can actually chop up a lot of life as they are sucked in.
i have LOA & they work well in both my sumps
i have grape algae in one of the sumps & the stuff is out of contoll i have to keep flushing it it grows so fast in the other sump i have chaeto & it does seem to be getting thicker i think i will pull apart & see what happends never thought about that & i would get rid of that power head :)