Fuge should I do it?


New member
Im sick and tired of my protein skimmer for my tank. I have one of the current fussion ones. I did some research on using a i think it is aquaclear HOB filter as a fuge. Should I do this. I have some chetto (sp) in my tank laying around. I also have a millinium 1000 filter hanging around too from my freshwater tank. So basically all I need ot do is but ther new filter. For who have done it or seen it etc is it worth it? Beside some LR rubble what else live would I need? Oh yes i was planning on getting the 70 not the 110 is that ok or do I need to put out the extra money for the bigger one? Im also thinking about upgrading to a 20g long in maybe 6 months. Just say one of the 20g long at my LFS and want it really bad but i just cant afford to start a new tank right now. Espically when Im going to need more light.
70 if you dont have many fish. the 110 you can put a different impellar in.

I modded the ac70 to a fuge with the ac mini impellar, and love it. Its on a 15 gallon.

what do you mean ac mini impeller. Can I just use the one that comes with the filter or do I have to buy a different one?
i have used the AC110 for over a year as a fuge on one of my tanks. personally, i think its a pain in the butt to have it on the back. it takes up alot of space. and its just a pain to clean it out every now and then etc. sometimes snails and stuff gets sucked up and cloggs the impeller etc. plus you gota make the baffle really well.

you shouldnt replace your skimming just with a fuge. maybe you should save your money for a coralife super skimmer instead?

if you still want to do it. here is a tip i learned a while ago that still works.

get your AC110 from PetSmart. it costs about $70-$80 at the store, but if you look for it online at PetSmarts website, i think it says its about $35. Print that page out on your computer, take it to the store, ask the manager to do a price check...whala! they usually give it to you for $35 instead of $80. I've done this several times with other people starting nano's and it worked like a charm. if one store wont do it, take it to a different PetSmart and ask them to do it. just depends on how anal the store manager is from what i have heard.

hope this helps :)

PS...as an alternative to a hang on the back filter/fuge. think about getting your tank drilled for an overflow, and putting a sump below the tank. best choice i ever made, and others who started with an AC110 that I helped setup, i have helped them switch to a drilled tank with a sump and they love it so much more than the HOB filter/fuge.
dont get a seaclone. and CPR's are really expensive considering they arent much but a plastic box.

the best bang for you buck on skimmers, i've heard is the coralife super skimmer 65 or 125. another cheap option would be to search ebay for a used CPR backpack, or a remora. you might need to replace the pump, but as long as the box is water tight i cant think of anything that would be bad for getting a used one.

i just picked up a used CPR off ebay for $20. tossed the rio pump. sat it in a bucket of vinegar for a day to clean it up. put on a brand new venturi maxi jet 1200. and its as good as new. and they retail for like $110.

check out www.premiumaquatics.com or www.marinedepot.com they have the best overall selection of skimmers at good prices.
If you do go the fuge route - The ac 100 impellor is way too big (too much flow) for smaller tanks, so people often buy the "replacement" impellor of the aquaclear mini (its much smaller and pumps something like 100 gph rather than the 500 gph the 110 does.)
ok im thinking of that coralife super skimmer or the fuge which should I got with. Im running the current fission skimmer right now and it is WORTHLESS im going to burn it. Yes plastic burns. Umm so i would not be running any type of fuge or filter just the skimmer. OR just the fuge. Which would be more useful. Oh yes it is a reef tank with two clowns for fish and the rest is corals, a shrimp, snails, crabs, and LR. I jsut want to make sure i read on marinedepot's web site that it is a HOB or a fuge/sump skimmer. Please jsut make sure i understand this. Also what kind of lighting do you think I should set up for my 20g L i want either 10watts per gallon of PC or something like that maybe better. (MH or T-5 maybe?) Any ideas would be great thanks guys/girls.
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