10 and over club
I'm trying to decide if I should do a 30 minute dip for my crocea as suggested in the pinching disease thread. I have only had my 3.5" crocea for a week now. Since day 1 it has showed signs of pinching. It seems to look good most of the day until the last 3 hours of the lighting cycle. Then there is one spot on the matle that pinches. The pinching has not spread to other parts of the mantle yet. I got 3 other clams with this crocea and they are all doing fine.
Is it too early to dip this clam since it has only been in my tank for a week? If so, how long should I wait? I checked the clam for any predators and found none.
Is it too early to dip this clam since it has only been in my tank for a week? If so, how long should I wait? I checked the clam for any predators and found none.