FYI: College Reef Class


New member
This class is only offered occasionally by College of Dupage. I just signed up and there are open seats still left. Last time it was filled up. Illinois Vets remember that tuition is waived with 4 yrs of studies allowed independant of the GI Bill (No time limit). Works for me, I just take classes that interest me. Woodworking to make stands, etc.

Coral Reef: Fragile Habitat….. Explore the coral reef ecosystem along with associated animals, plants, and communities of this fragile habitat. Observe the unusual relationships in this habitat and tour the Shedd Aquarium Coral Reef exhibit. Classes Jan 15, 22, 29, and Feb. 5. Field study: Jan. (8am to 3pm). Fee: $50 (includes transportation and admission). Tuition extra.
Biology 1800. Code: 36156 1 hr credit. WWW.COD.EDU