got my tang in..


New member
went down last night and picked up my yellow hawaiian tang. They have about 4 more down there if anyone is looking for one... going for about 4000 yennies if I remember right.. got mine a little cheaper. :)

he's just hanging out in a corner right now, hopefully he'll get hungry soon and start munching on the carpet of algae that I have.

On a side note, for some reason the zoos that Jeff gave me last year have been opening up lately.. guess thats a good thing. :D
and the damn thing has ich.. :(

anyone have small tank I can stick my fish into to cure them? Im so close to giving up..
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Did you get a tang and not a cleaner shrimp? My tang gets ick if I look at him weird. He just runs over to the shrimp and gets picked (which is kinda cool to watch) and life goes on as normal.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9671464#post9671464 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by vest0830
Did you get a tang and not a cleaner shrimp? My tang gets ick if I look at him weird. He just runs over to the shrimp and gets picked (which is kinda cool to watch) and life goes on as normal.
I had two cleaner shrimp from Don, but they died.. im telling you man, the way my tank is now, im suprised anything lives in it.
All I can tell you in what my experience has been in the past 8 years with saltwater tanks. For 7 of those years I had no choice but to use homemade water, for the past year I've used natural water that I have either bought or collected north of Torii. My tanks have never been healthier. I had some trouble with hair algae last summer, but I my tank got over it. I've never had a homemade water tank bounce back the way my tanks do now. I've also never had so much success with propagation and keeping healthy live stock. You can read all sorts of information about the possible trouble with live water, (as well as benefits) but most of them are discussing collecting water in the states, not collecting on a small subtropical island in the pacific. After living in CA most of my life I can tell you the water quality on this island is generally much better than the outer islands around California. Just my opinion!

Try it, you might just like it!
I am with Mike, though never had any experience with synthetic water. I myself am real nervous about using homemade water when we do go back to the states.

Id start filtering that stuff out Brett. PPM or the fish lady water.....
Just like I said in that other thread, I can't see 1 reason not to use the NSW that we have available.