Got the lights, now for the clams


Regurgitated Fender
I've finally upgraded my lighting to a 250W MH with a 10,000K German bulb. Now I have to think about which clams to get.

I think the first one will be a maxima. I saw a gold one at the LFS that I really liked. I think these guys like lower light than blue ones. Do I have too much light for a gold maxima? Do maximas live on the rocks, or down in the sand?
I have my gold maxima split between a 175 watt 10k Ushio and a 400 watt 20k Radium and he is about 18 inches from the lights. Your clam should be fine under the 250. Where was he located at the LFS and how far from the bulb? Maxima's and Crocea's like to be attached to somthing solid.