Great Fish Store out Kadena's Gate 1


New member
I found a great fish store out of Gate 1 near Kadena. As you go north by Naval Kadena, it's directly behind "Coco's". I usually park at the convenient store beside Coco's and walk west to the small store. It is very small and the local people who own it are a mom and pop shop.

I talked with him and he owns his own store and catches the fish with nets. He prided himself on using no chemicals to catch the local fish. He also told me that if the Japanese Coast Guard catches people without license it is a million Yen fine.

I was able to buy butterfly fish there for under $10. This is an incredable buy if you are use to the US fish market. Just thought it might help other people out.
Yeah, most of us know the place as 'the fish lady'(marine fish lagoon is the real name of the place). Great deals, but as you probably noticed, the place isnt exactly kept to a very high standard. The old man can build you acrylic sumps for a decent price too. There is a thread on here detailing all of the local stores, with decent directions to most of them. PPM seems to be in the process of completely shutting their doors, or moving locations.
You were spot on about the fish store. Have you ever had any issues with the previously mentioned fish store? They seem pretty good so far. Also, how do the other places stack up to this location?
The prices cant be beaten. I havent had any issues with their fish, but I've only bought fish from them once.
they can also set up to have water delevored to your house... or bring in big *** jugs and they will fill them... great place
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13262873#post13262873 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lionel
Yeah, most of us know the place as 'the fish lady'(marine fish lagoon is the real name of the place). Great deals, but as you probably noticed, the place isnt exactly kept to a very high standard. The old man can build you acrylic sumps for a decent price too.

Do you have to talk to the old man if you want a sump made?

I went there today to find out about a sump and had qite a time communicating with the lady. She told me that she doesn't know english...or I think that is what she was getting any event she seemed to indicate that they don't make sumps, but I really could not be sure because of the language barrier.
The man is about the same speed with English. Time to do the English hand cues and such. Remember, any foreigner will be able to understand English if you talk loud and slow--hahaha. Just kidding.
I've gomt some bookmarks saved on my PC for custom cut acrylic sheets.. if you want to get together and maybe we can order some stuff and put em together.. im not too shabby with acrylic.
The man is about the same speed with English. Time to do the English hand cues and such. Remember, any foreigner will be able to understand English if you talk loud and slow--hahaha. Just kidding.
yea.. few places on island.. I got mine over at kanahide at Navel Kadena.. just make sure that you get the 5mm thik acrylic.
I am going to be ordering some soon, just to keep around the house (since i play with acrylic so much). I can order a bit extra if you want. I am going to get the #40 and a few tubes of the #16 thick stuff