Great solution to your flow problems HEADS UP!

Hey Speckled Grouper,

Any update on the MJ mod? I'm using two of the original MJ mods from and was looking to replace 1 that is giving me problems.

I particular, how have the magnetic holders been working? Last thing I need is an unguided 1200gph spewing out of my tank!

Tks, Keith
I bought one ecomod at macna. There claim was their redesign of the shaft made it always start in the right direction. I found it jamming up on me a few times on start up now I just let it run continuosly. I also had to jam a plastic tooth pick in the mount to keep the shroud from rotating and stopping the prop. I then ordered two sureflows. They fit together perfectly, I glued some old tank cleaning magnets to them for mounts. They are sweet!!!great flow, easy to assemble and unlike the ecos you can point them any direction. Every once in a while one of them makes a little noise. I haven't run them on a wavemaker yet. I've heard that the best way to run them is with the new seio controller because it just slows the motor it doesn't stop them. That way you don't have to worry about them starting in the wrong direction. Anyway I liked them enough to order three more and the seio controller. I'll post how that turns out.
Put one on my 400 in my 20g and it was crazy flow! Don't know what gph it was pushed up to, but it was actually too much for my little nano tank. I would definitely recommend it for bigger tanks where you need lots of flow for sps/lps etc. I'll save mine for when the hubby sets up his'll be perfect for that.

Definitely does what it says and is some competition for the Koralia.
I have 2 koralia 4's and two MJ1200's with the SG1600 mods on my 210gal and I like the 1600 better. They appear to give more flow, but not as broad a pattern. Also bought the eco maximod and liked it's shroud and prop better than the one the 1600 brings. The anti reverse mechanism seems to have a better design than the 1600.
This is my review:

I have Tunze 6100's, Tunze 6025 and 6045's as well as different size Korallias and this SF1600 on MJ1200.

The Sure Flow's flow pattern is waaaaaaaay better than the Korallia's sideways "V" flow pattern. The SF's is more like a wall of water similar to the bigger Tunze's.

The SureGrip magnet holder is a must with the Sure FLow 1600 mod but it is FAR better than the Korallia and both Tunze's magnet holders. This magnet is what adds to the cost of the total unit because yu have to buy it separately.

The holders on the smaller Tunzes are a complete joke and waste of time. I;m talking about the ones on the 6025 and 6045's. The little tabs break off very easily and the Tunze pump unit DOES NOT stay clipped on to the inside magnet very well. (But i have to admit that we are constantly manhandling all our powerheads in efforts to aim them better at our livestock.)

The large Tunze magent holders hold well BUT the Sure Grip holds just as well AND is more compact. It is less wide so therefore you can squeeze it into tight spots better.

All in all im pretty impressed with the Sure Flow 1600 however you need to add the cost of the actual powerhead unit and the Sure Grip magnet holder.

Personally i like the look of the SF1600 better than the Korallia's but that;s a very personal choice, i think.

I would definately buy this product again and probably before any Korallias evethough i've been pretty happy with the Korallias just not as happy as with the SureFlow/SureGrip/MaxiJet combo.

Hope this helps anyone who is trying to decide,

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I was really happy with the old mjmods (except for my poor craftsmanship in putting them together). This looked like a simple solution. The Tunze 6100's are just too big to put in my 135, maybe if the boss allows me to upgrade to the 180 I originally wanted, I'll go that route. :D

Thanks again, Keith