Green Polyp Toadstool not doing good

All Delight

New member
I've had this for a couple of months and he was doing fine. All of a sudden 3 days ago he stopped opening up. I noticed there is a small yuma growing near the base of the toadstool. Do you think this is irriating him and causing him to stay closed?
It could be the yuma, it could also be shedding. They do that often and especially after being placed in a new tank. :)
yeah dude my GPTL does that a lot. Heck.. most leathers will do that a lot and what's worse they'll stay closed for weeks at a time. Touchy creatures if you ask me, but I love them :)
I thing I notice too, its not as tall as it used to be. It used to be like 3 inches tall, now its only about 1.5 inches tall.

Is those normal if it sheds?
have you recently changed your lights? when I change my bulbs, my toadstools shrink similar to what you described for several days/weeks before returning to normal. just an idea.
are you using any kind of phosphate remover? some of them like the seachem phosguard are aluminum based and bother some leathers
Funny thing about leather and flow is this: If they get too little flow they usually bend over or get drooppy ("depressed"). When you try to cheer them up with some flow they get bent over the other way for a while and eventually stand up and love it. But while they were bent over they sometimes get stressed and decide to mucus on themselves, which later causes them to shed... which makes them "depressed" again.

I swear they are some touchy critters but fun none the less ;)
I haven't changed my lights.

I think, I hope I found my problem. I tested my PH, it is at 7.9. So I just added a buffer.

Other results were:
Ammonia .25 (it never goes to 0, even when it was cycling, maybe my tester sucks?)
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
Ca 400
KH 8 (what should this be?)
PO 0
My water tests all hit 0. The toadstools are at medium flow. They have been fine for the couple of months I have added them. Lights are 250w 20k and they are placed close to the bottom.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6934844#post6934844 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by All Delight
Ammonia .25 (it never goes to 0, even when it was cycling,

I would address this issue. Ammonia should never be anything but 0.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6945547#post6945547 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by TitanFan
I would address this issue. Ammonia should never be anything but 0.

I agree with you, but its never been 0. I think my AQ Phamecuticals (sp) sucks.

However, I have good news. I raised my ph to 8.3 and this morning shortly after turning the lights on my greed toadstool started to polyp. Amazingly it looks even brighter then before.

Needless to say, I'm very very thrilled!!

Thanks for all your help everyone!