Halide color temperature/wattage for clams


New member
I saw this clam tank advertised that is 24"L X 24"W x 8"D. I am contemplating buying the tank. The tank is 18 gal with a 20 gal sump. It is meant to be a top down viewing tank. I wanted to get a recommendation on lighting for this tank. If MH is the only option, what wattage bulb/color temperature would be the best for a tank like this? I have a small reef currently, but have never tried clams before.
Oh, and I'd go with like an Ushio or a 20k XM.. Which burns to be like an Ushio with some blue.... I've heard nothing but good things about the XM and I have one..
20K, huh? I was reading an article in which the author said he would not recommend any color temp over 10K as anything over 10K would mimic a deeper water environment. Probably not that much of a factor if the tank I am looking at is this shallow. Could I get away with a 175 watt bullb with this low depth? I 'd like to know anyone's thoughts on my two statements.

hows that tear drop doing?

Great thanks for asking.. It's doing VERY good... It's 3 weeks now, and I'm really filled with joy about this beautiful clam...


Yes a 20k mimics a deepwater reef.... Doesn't a reef aquarium mimic a natural reef? ;)

Plus, as I stated
Which burns to be like an Ushio with some blue

Meaning the XM... The XM isn't a true 20k... It is more of a 12k. And anyways, I've had succes, and so have others with 20k bulbs.... I can care less what that author thinks... Whatever works good and looks good is fine by me... I assure you that you won't get better coloration under anything else but a 14-20k:)

Good luck!
lebowski said:
Oh, and I'd go with like an Ushio or a 20k XM.. Which burns to be like an Ushio with some blue.... I've heard nothing but good things about the XM and I have one..

I've heard the 20K 250mh are not very intense. I think I'd go with 20K if I were running a 400watt, but, with 250 I think a nice 10K w/ some VHO actinics is the way to go, but, I'm not married to the 10K.

Is you XM a 250watt bulb?

since your tank isn't that deep and is going to be viewed from above I'd say what about a 6500 iwasaki? you would get good growth, its cheaper, and its the most intense compared to a XM or radium.
Is you XM a 250watt bulb?

Yeah, over a 29... It's not too intense I agree, but my corals and all have been really growing very well... My clams are growing like crazy, I'm blaming it (in a good way) on the xm.

True that, Iwasaki 6500k, you'll get unreal growth... But the color is less than horrible... Looks like someone just took a leak in the tank....
lebowski said:
I assure you that you won't get better coloration under anything else but a 14-20k:)

Just curious what this assurance is based on. Isn't this your first MH setup and isn't the XM the only bulb you have run on this system? I have one tank that is currently lit by iwasakis w/ 2 VHO actinics, (previously ushios) and I can assure you that it certainly doesn't look like someone "took a leak in the tank."

An excerpt from an article by Daniel Knop (the one I'm guessing robitreef is referring to)

"At 15 meters (50 feet) in depth, Kelvin (K) values average 10,000 K. If we keep giant clams in aquariums with lamps that produce light in the 20,000 K range, we are keeping them under conditions that, in nature, would be found at depths of 20 to 50 meters (65 to over 160 feet) ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Â depths at which giant clams cannot survive (except the extremely rare species T. tevoroa, which can still be found as deep as 30 meters). For this reason, I strongly suggest that lamps that produce light with values over 10,000 K not be used for giant clams."

mr294, I agree with you in all aspects.

Lebowski what bulbs have you run prior to the XM?

I use two 400 watt iwasakis with two 96 watt actinic PC's and two 40 watt NO actinics. I assure you that no one has taken a leak in my tank...at least thats what it looks like.

I think most people say the iwasaki is a disgusting yellow based on here say. If most of the people running 'sakis like them, me included. It gives the reef a more natural look rather then some tanks that are so blue it hurts your eyes.

SO, if you've never used or seen a tank running 6500k's do not bash them they're great for growth and you can still get great color from them if you use actinic aid.


Well, like I said I'm running 6500ks (atleast my 3rd bulb on this system) and after a few weeks of everything adjusting, I saw increased growth. But, I really think tanks lit with these bubls look best w/ supplemted with actincs.

SaltwaterSensei - nice handle
lit by iwasakis w/ 2 VHO actinics, (previously ushios) and I can assure you that it certainly doesn't look like someone "took a leak in the tank."

I CAN ASSURE YOU that your tank would look like someone leaked in the tank if you didn't use those VHO actinics.....

It also depends on what ballast you are running the iwasaki on... It appears more of a 10k on a PFO;)

As for my first MH setup yes, and it is fact that corals receive the nicest color under 14k-20k, because of the UV change that their zooxanthellae goes through......
Lebowski what bulbs have you run prior to the XM?

I have a spare Iwasaki I am not using and absolutely looked horrific.... My cousin has used an Ushio on his 29, as well as an Iwasaki with 2 VHO actinics which really gave it a better look.

Out of all of them, the XM's look awesome and have given the BEST coloration....And decent growth.

i tried 6500k with actinics but i still could not get the color i wanted. my coral grew so fast but my tank loooked yellow even with the actinics. i switched to 10,000k and it looks so much better. in fact the growth rate of everything seems about the same and man the color is awesome!
I was in an LFS on Friday to look at some of their sps/clam tanks that were running halides. They were running 10,000K HQI , and though looking at the bulb which looked like it burned a crisp white, the tank looked yellowish. I am definately going to look at the 20,000K now, but are the 20,000K bulbs more expensive then the lower color temps? If so, then I would maybe consider a fixture that includes actinics and go for a 10,000K. I currently have PC's on my reef that are 6700K daylights and 7100K actinics. The daylights do give the tank a yellow color, but when the actinics turn on it looks great IMO.

Thanks again to all for the info.