Handling Florida Rics

the polyps I'm getting are from Sealifeflorida and supposedly all have a small amount of loose rubble/substrate attached to their "foot" or bottoms making it a little easier to glue them (or otherwise attach) to a piece of rock.
I've noticed if i have an open cut (say a hang nail or something) that I wasnt even aware I had, I'm definitely aware of it afterwards if Ric slime gets on it. Burns quite noticeably. I've never had any swelling or anything from it though. Like cowbell said, wash your hands before and after, or preferably get reef-safe gloves.
I received my rics, glued them to a rock and had no problems (other then getting too much super glue on my hands and having to peel it off afterwards...ouch...lol). They are a little shocked but look to be healthy and hopefully happy :-).
Great to hear so far! Yeah I am really horrible with glue. I usually try for the epoxy route but sometimes you just cant unless you get those suckers stuck to some rubble first.

Keep us updated you know we'll want pics to see the beautiful mushrooms we know you've just gotten!
i ordered 2 rics from there .. should be comming today or tomorrow ..i wish i can get more but im broke right now :D

a freebie would be nice :D