Happy New Year!!!!


Moving Money
Premium Member
Happy New Year to all my friends in New Jersey Reefers Club!!!
Remember, the next palindrome year isn't until 2112, so make it a point to enjoy 2002!!!!
:celeb2: :celeb3: :celeb2: :celeb3: :celeb2: :celeb3: :celeb2: :celeb3: :celeb2: :celeb3: :celeb1: :celeb1: :celeb1:
Happy New Year Everyone! Hope all of you enjoy a year of health, happiness and prosperity.

Bored, so I figured I'd wake the dead.

Happy New Year 2002 everyone!

So how is your resolution going?
Wow, Joe! Holy smokes, you must have been bored!

I assume everyone who is posting that they are bored tonight has checked ALL of their parameters, "gadgeted" their tanks, done a water change and talked to their fish?

Me neither! Yawn . . . let me hit refresh AGAIN and see if there is anything new to read . . . .
funny thing is I did exactly what you just said, did water changes, test water, rearranged some thing in the tank, yelled at a crab the sat here and kept hitting refresh...lol

I'm actually current on bi-monthly water changes on 2 tanks and checked SG, PH, ALK, NO3, CA, and MG on both tanks as well; and I'm still looking at posts for something exciting!!