hello fellow reefers

i have a 7,inch derasa clam doing very well. i also have a flame angel that cruises by him and just takes a pik at him inside his middle part of his body? the flame angel does this as hes grazing the tank for food? he just cruises over the derasa clam and just takes a pik at his body while the derasa clam is fully extended?:confused: any ideas why the flame is doing this to my clam? the clam gets startled and closes up? any explanations and input on this evil flame angel is highly appreciated! tia.:(
The angel is doing what comes naturally. The very reason (unless you have a tremendous tank) I never recommend angels (Centropyge spp. or otherwise) for a reef tank. Clams are especially enticing to these angels too. I think you need to make a choice as to which will stay and which will go.

Jim, you hit the nail on the head.

If that angel continues this and he will, your clam will become so stressed that he will start to decline. :(

Do as Jim suggested, make a decision which is going to stay.

I few years back I had an African Flameback and lots of clams...
Well, after 5 years in my tank he decided that my 10" gigas clam was tasty. He would dart in the incurrent siphon, hang out and munch munch munch. THen when the clam closed violently he would dart out. Then the whole process would start over. Needless to say, I got 4 new baby Marshall Island maximas for that fish at my LFS!!

I 2nd the 'no angels' reply! I dont care how long 'so and so' had an angel in his reef. Not worth it. ALong with cukes and anything else that can potentially wipe out a tank when it dies!
