Help! ECORALS clam arrived bad.


I just recieved my 6 inch Derasa clam fron Ecorals this morning, and it has been in the tank for about 6 hours. It is gaping, and there seems to be some scar-like tissue in it's mouth. I tried to get it out with a baster, but it is tissue. Can anyone help? I have another 6 inch Derasa doing great, but this one does not look good.
Ooh, that doesn't look good :( Looks like true gaping where he has lost the use of his adductor muscle. Can he close his shell? Is he light reatice at all?
He is barely reactive when I touch his mantle. I hope that he makes it, but I am worried. I contacted Phil at Ecorals, and he said to give it a little more time, but they should have seen this before it was shipped yesterday.
RE Derasa Clam

RE Derasa Clam

"...but they should have seen this before it was shipped yesterday."

This clam was in excellent condition prior to shipping to you. This problem may be due to shipping. If an animal is not healthy, we do not ship it. That simple.

Shipping is our #1 problem as FedEx and UPS can be brutal on these boxes. If there where another way, we'd use it.

Again, keep us posted on clams' conditions. You have our 5 day guarantee on all livestock and we'll stand by it.

Thank you,
Shaun Monahan
The clam is dead.

The clam is dead.

I will send it back in the morning. I should mention that I also received two Acro frags which are doing fine. I don't know what happened to this clam, but the bag that it was shipped in was tight where the clam could not open. There were also 3 small holes in the bag. I don't know if this might have contributed to it's death or not. Here is a pic from this morning.


Hey sicklid,

I lived down in stuart for about a year, my parents still live in port st lucie. I remember a cool reef store near A1A and another down on us1. Are they still around?

just wondering and I do miss living there. Very relaxing but growing.
Hi Greg,

There are two stores in Stuart. Aquatic World and Aquatic Life. Both are about a block off of U.S. 1. Life here is great. I will never allow myself to move up North again as I lived in Chicago, Kansas City, and a couple of other spots with my company, and I feel like I moved to paradise. It never gets below 40 degrees in winter, and the summers are warm, but there is always a breeze off of the ocean, plus I have a pool to cool off. It is relaxing, but more and more people are moving up from the Miami-West Palm Beach areas, and the Real Estate market is going bonkers.

To be fair to the seller, that clam looks like he was healthy. It seem that the shell have smooth white shell. Shipping is stressfull especiall for large clams. This is just a shipping death nothing more than that. I hope that everybody who read this post see it that way rather than blame Ecorals for it.
BTW, I don't know Ecorals, don't own any stock of Ecorals or have ever bought anything from Ecorals.
Minh Nguyen
I agree with Minh 100%.I've lost few clams to shipping myself:( It's brutal on clams and corals as well. Plus,like Minh said, it had very nice white growth edge on its shell.