Help for a clam newbie

Phantom Phish

New member
I guess I'm actually a clam wanabe, because I don't have any yet but I'd like to. So I'm trying to do some recearch in preparation to getting a clam(s).

First question...
I've read that smaller clams need to be fed phytoplankton. At what size do they no longer need to be fed (and can maintain all their nutritional needs through photosynthesis)?

This is a lighting question. I have a tank thats 24 inches deep to my sand bed, with two 250 watt 6.5k (Iwasaki) standard MHs and 3 VHO actinics. Lights are mounted 10" above the water. Would I be able to keep T. squamosa on my sand bed? What about T. crocea and maxima?

Thanks for the help, and I'm sorry for all the questions. I've got Knopps book on order, but it hasn't arrived yet. :)
Well most people say that at 3" that a clam no longer needs to be fed. I still feed mine until they are about 3.5"-4". That is just me personally.

Your lighting is fine to keep any speices of clams. But since you are new at this, I recommend starting with a hardy clam like a Deresa or Saq. The are great and pretty easy to take care of as long as you keep your Calcium around 450ppm and the water quality up.
Exactly...just because a clam is 4 inches doesn't mean he doesn't need to eat. They do have a digestive system for a reason! :) At that point they can usually get all the food they need from the tank, and feeding phyto to the tank.
Thanks for the comments.
I'll plan on feeding phytoplankton (DT's OK?)
to the tank, and getting clams that are all ready 3.5 to 4 inches.
I will get a squamosa to begin with until I get experience.

I guess I was a little concerned that 250 watts might not be enough for T. crocea or T. maxima if I them put on the sand which is 24" from the surface in my tank. Do you think they would be OK that deep? I guess I could always move them up on the liverock if not.
250w MH will be enough. Currently I have a 90g tank that is 24" and I am able to keep 2 croceas and 2 maximas on the substrate without any issues. My lighting setup is almost idenitical to yours (2 X 250w MH and 2 X 110 VHO Actinics). My clams are opening up very nicely and growing extreme well. So 250w will be fine for your tank.
your 250w is fine with 24" height. when u first get the clam, place it in the sandbed. after a few days, check out the clam. if he doesn't seem to like the location, you should then move the clam to a different location. with your lighting i doubt you'll have problems. just make sure to get a heathly clam when u buy. good luck