Help! HQI Ceramic socket ends in town?


New member
Hello all,

My aquamedic fixture seems to have developed a problem with one socket. Does anyone know where in town I can get another?

you can oder them off of they're pretty cheap. i heard capital city aquarium is quite large and has great stuff, you can try to ask them. i'm going go check that place out tomorrow. good luck.

the ghetto fix is to buy a halogen security light (obviously the DE type) from HD or lowes and take the end caps out from the fixture. for a 150-250w you're going to have to take out the endcaps and cut the center brace so you can fit the bulb. also, you'll have to chip away at a portion of the ceramic to make the bulb slide in. very ghetto but no one can look at it and see what you've done. plus, it's locally available and only around 10 bucks.

the type i used to retrofit a 70w de mh was a Regent brand 300 watt halogen floodlight, model EQ300WL. goodluck.
SWEET! Thanks Yoshiod... Someday I'd like to trade some of my nicer zoos with you for some of them alien eyes... :) I'm gonna hit HD tonight.
Light bulbs Plus... they were on auburn at green back... they moved down auburn a little further... they are a Sunlight supply dealer. Plus they have tons of sockets and odds and ends. Its the 1st place I go if I have a light prob, they have yet to have what I need/ could get it with in a day or 2.