I have never been able to keep snails in my tank or some mysterious reason. I can buy them, then the next morning I find the hermit crabs wearing brand new snail shells. I decided to try again, and after the lights went out, I checked the tank and found two snails being attacked by something else that looked like a snail. I have seen them before, but never eating anything that I need, so I left them alone. Bad idea apparently. Any clue what they are, and what I should do with them? I have them separated in a small plastic container. The snails that they had, each seemed stunned for quite a while, but they both came around eventually (one not until this afternoon!) So that's good news, cuz I have lots of algae to take care of! Anyway, here's the pic, it's not great, but notice the little probe thingy (I believe that is the scientific term)in the front. Thanks!