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I currently have a Dersa Clam in my 135G reef tank that jumped off the LR Friday night and again Saturday afternoon. When he did so he lodged himself half-open between the LR and the glass, chipping the edge of his shell.
I know that his actions mean that he is unhappy but I need help to determine why he is unhappy so that I can move him to where he will be happy.
Here is some background info:
I obtained a Dersa Clam (@8" wide) form a FS at the end of December. The FS had kept the Clam under NO lighting for about a month and the clam had numerous small holes in its shell.
I posted in this forum for advice and was warned about bore holes in clams and I read that a clam with faded colors due to insufficient lighting may not regain its colors. Of course, I bought the Clam anyway to try to save it.
I placed the Clam in my 135 reef tank ( 6'W x 24"H x18"D). The tank has a @ 6" DSB and is lit by 4 x 96 watt PCs. I placed the Clam on top of some LR so that the mantle was @ 15" from the lights.
When I placed the clam in the tank the Clam seemed to come alive. I placed the Clam at a 90 degree angle to the front of the tank. The tank gets direct sunlight at a 45 degree angle to the tank. The Clam moved to the same 45 degree angle as the sunlight hit the tank and then never moved again. The Clam seemed to expand more and more every day and its colors increased significantly, although not as vibrant as the ones posted on this site.
I read on this board that these clams should be kept under 250 MH minimum and that they don't like to be moved. About one week ago I moved the clam when I rearranged the rock in my tank. I placed the Clam @ 5" higher up so that he would be closer to the PCs. Its mantle is now @ 11 inches from the lights (It gets less direct sunlight now). I carefully moved the Clam and only moved it @ 5" up and @ 5" to the side of iots original location. I don't think the Clam was stressed by me picking it up.
The Clam doesn't seem to mind me touching it, in fact, I can pick it up and it closes less than half way shut and it fully extends within 2-3 minutes after I place it. (This has happened on the three occasions that I touched it: when I moved it and the two times I returned it to the LR after it jumped.
Friday and Saturday, about 7 days after I moved it, the Clam jumped off the LR.
If the Clam was unhappy with its new position why would it wait one week to jump?
Does the stability of the placement affect the Clams happiness?
(i.e.. the previous placement was wedged between three rocks that formed a triangle shaped hole and the Clam was very secure. In fact I was concerned whether it would be able to open. At the new location the Clam sits on top of some LR. It doesn't teter or rock but it is definitely not as stable).
Is it possible that it is getting too much light from the PCs and wants to be lower?
Is it trying to get back into the direct sunlight?
Will the Clam settle down or should I move him? If so, where should I place him?
To complicate things further, Saturday I noticed a very small bristle worm sticking out of one of the bore holes. I was afraid to try to pull the worm out of the Clam Shell as I did not want to pull the worm in half and have it die inssssside the clam. The worm retracted inside of the clam shell and I do not know if it is still inside the Clam or not.
Did the Worm irritate the Clam and cause it to jump?
Will the bristle worm hurt/kill the Clam?
Is there any way to get the worm out?
Should I fill the bore holes with epoxy to prevent small worms form getting into the Clam?
Finally, my water parameters are all good, I have very few livestock, none of which I have ever seen bother the Clam. In the past month the Clam added @ 1/8 of new growth to the shell, it looks very happy today, hasn't tried to move (yet?) and is fully extended (mantle about 2 inches past the shell). Also, I think that the Clam does not have its albysis(sp?) gland. It has never attached to anything.
Sorry for the long post. I am trying to anticipate all your question in advance.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I know that his actions mean that he is unhappy but I need help to determine why he is unhappy so that I can move him to where he will be happy.
Here is some background info:
I obtained a Dersa Clam (@8" wide) form a FS at the end of December. The FS had kept the Clam under NO lighting for about a month and the clam had numerous small holes in its shell.
I posted in this forum for advice and was warned about bore holes in clams and I read that a clam with faded colors due to insufficient lighting may not regain its colors. Of course, I bought the Clam anyway to try to save it.
I placed the Clam in my 135 reef tank ( 6'W x 24"H x18"D). The tank has a @ 6" DSB and is lit by 4 x 96 watt PCs. I placed the Clam on top of some LR so that the mantle was @ 15" from the lights.
When I placed the clam in the tank the Clam seemed to come alive. I placed the Clam at a 90 degree angle to the front of the tank. The tank gets direct sunlight at a 45 degree angle to the tank. The Clam moved to the same 45 degree angle as the sunlight hit the tank and then never moved again. The Clam seemed to expand more and more every day and its colors increased significantly, although not as vibrant as the ones posted on this site.
I read on this board that these clams should be kept under 250 MH minimum and that they don't like to be moved. About one week ago I moved the clam when I rearranged the rock in my tank. I placed the Clam @ 5" higher up so that he would be closer to the PCs. Its mantle is now @ 11 inches from the lights (It gets less direct sunlight now). I carefully moved the Clam and only moved it @ 5" up and @ 5" to the side of iots original location. I don't think the Clam was stressed by me picking it up.
The Clam doesn't seem to mind me touching it, in fact, I can pick it up and it closes less than half way shut and it fully extends within 2-3 minutes after I place it. (This has happened on the three occasions that I touched it: when I moved it and the two times I returned it to the LR after it jumped.
Friday and Saturday, about 7 days after I moved it, the Clam jumped off the LR.
If the Clam was unhappy with its new position why would it wait one week to jump?
Does the stability of the placement affect the Clams happiness?
(i.e.. the previous placement was wedged between three rocks that formed a triangle shaped hole and the Clam was very secure. In fact I was concerned whether it would be able to open. At the new location the Clam sits on top of some LR. It doesn't teter or rock but it is definitely not as stable).
Is it possible that it is getting too much light from the PCs and wants to be lower?
Is it trying to get back into the direct sunlight?
Will the Clam settle down or should I move him? If so, where should I place him?
To complicate things further, Saturday I noticed a very small bristle worm sticking out of one of the bore holes. I was afraid to try to pull the worm out of the Clam Shell as I did not want to pull the worm in half and have it die inssssside the clam. The worm retracted inside of the clam shell and I do not know if it is still inside the Clam or not.
Did the Worm irritate the Clam and cause it to jump?
Will the bristle worm hurt/kill the Clam?
Is there any way to get the worm out?
Should I fill the bore holes with epoxy to prevent small worms form getting into the Clam?
Finally, my water parameters are all good, I have very few livestock, none of which I have ever seen bother the Clam. In the past month the Clam added @ 1/8 of new growth to the shell, it looks very happy today, hasn't tried to move (yet?) and is fully extended (mantle about 2 inches past the shell). Also, I think that the Clam does not have its albysis(sp?) gland. It has never attached to anything.
Sorry for the long post. I am trying to anticipate all your question in advance.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.