HELP!! mhats happening


Premium Member

please any1 Help!!! This morning he didnt open the way he normally does and then this afternoon I noticed there is a hole right thru to the DSB Is he a goner?Is there anything I can do for him he was fine yesterday..will this infect the other clams in the tank or the params?
Sorry to say it but it looks like he is a gonner. I would get him out as soon as you can and do a water change.

There is another natural hole in the mantle on the bottom, what you're seeing is looking in one hole and out another. I have noticed this on both of my clams. The hole on the bottom was only when the clams are gaping/stressed. Personally i wouldn't throw this clam out yet unless he becomes completely unresponsive to movement or touch.
Thank You

Thank You

I would never throw anything out that still has a chance he started spewing stuff so that made me even more nervous I have moved him into my brothers nano/q tank hoping for the best..
but thank you for sharing my feelings It seems every1 was goner get rid of it ..He may be but he is not yet also no snails that I could see so I hope that is good..