Help! My clams are spawning!


Premium Member
I have two maxima clams spawning in my tank right now--as I type. One is releasing sperm type ribbons and the other is shooting millions (I don't think I am exaggerating) of eggs into the water. I have a total of 6 clams in a 180, but thus far only these two are spawning. A little crocea looks like it is attempting the same, but no luck.

Will this overly pollute my tank? I just did a water change and I am out of fresh water to mix up until the RO catches up in about 24 hours--and even then I can only change about 30-35 gal on a 180 with a 75 gal sump. Will carbon help? Or am I just panicking for no reason and there will be no ill effects?

Does anyone have experience with this behavior?
Only 2 clams spawning in your 180g should not be a problem. Make sure your skimmer is running efficently. Carbon should not be neccessary in your size tank. If you have alot of sps they will be happy with the influx of new plankton. It is unlikely that any of the planktonic larvae will survive. If after 24 hours your tank is not clear ~25% water change is reasonable however I doubt you'll need to do anything-enjoy the show! Adam
I would do a partial water change. Sometime the sperm can be toxic and the amount of sperm released into the captive system can kill the clam.

Normally a clam will spawn when the environment is distburbed which could be by increased lighting, addition of carbon or UV exposure.
Hey Jason, congrats! Do you by chance have a large power filter, like an aquaclear500 or something that you could use for temporary mechanical filtration? Something like that might help...

Thanks Q, but unfortunately no--I do not have a mechanical power filter. I keep telling myself to get one--even a small one--just for such purposes, but I haven't. The tank is looking very "normal" today, and no ill-signs from anything including the clams. I will still do the water changes and ride it out.