I've gotten on top of my nudi's a different, chemical free way. After being away for a couple of weeks I came home to find all zoa colonies closed-up and under attack from these little buggers. Must've arrived on something else about the time I left. Anyway, it was nudi war! My zoa colonies are well established and not readily removable from the tank without major construction involving large live rocks. I diligently picked off the several adults and several coils of eggs over a few days. The zoas started to return to normal and open up. However, I'm realistic enough to know that there were still eggs around somewhere. Sure enough, once hatched the zoas were quick to react and close-up again. The juveniles are very small but can be seen as specks on the zoa bodies. They cannot be picked off or sucked-up easily so I used a different means of attack, freshwater blasting. Every day when I top-up the tank I used my turkey baster full of freshwater to blast off the youngsters. They hate freshwater and release quickly. Also the zoas don't mind as it quickly mixes and zoas also enjoy having regular blasts to clean out any detritus that accumulates in and under them (good habit). Once the nudi's are blasted off the zoas they drift around and end up starving before they can relocate the zoas. After about a week of regular freshwater blasts all the juvi nudi's are gone and the colonies are back to normal. Now it's just close monitoring until I'm sure they're gone. And, it's on to manual removal of the odd sundial snail....