Help!!! What's wrong with my tang?


New member
I have a small Hippo tang in my 85 gal that has been there for about 3 months. He seems to be doing well. He is very active and eats great. He just has a lot of markings all over him. I am not sure what it might be. I used to keep him in a tank with a lot of dead coral that had sharp point on them and that is where he liked to hide. I am not sure if those corals scratched him all up or if there is something else wrong.

Either way what can I do???

It's probably from the corals that he got scratched as they like to widge themselves into them. They should heal up without a problem in time, how long have you had him in the other tank?
Can you post a picture? If the marks are like little pits in the skin and concentrated near his head or along his lateral line, he could be suffereing from HLLE (head & lateral line erosion). Tangs and angels are prone to the condition but from what I've read no one is certain of the cause. Feeding a correct nutritionally complete diet, grounding the tank so there's no stray voltage and eliminating stress wherever possible are the three things I see most often recommended - the condition is reversable in the right conditions.