help with clam tank


New member
i came across a 175 watt halide pendant and i have a 38 breeder. i want to piggy back it on one of my reef tanks and keep clams. there will be about 2"of fine sand and the top 3" will waterless due to hole for overflow. is this enough light?also, what kelvin bulb should i buy? any help would be greatly apretiated(can't spell).
I think this sounds like a good setup and I would personally go for a 10K bulb for it. With only 175W I would also stick to some of the lower light clams such as derasa or squamosa. Although if you have your heart set on it, a crocea or maxima should do ok in the upper reaches of the tank.
Try to aim for about 10x tank turnover as clams are not too keen on very high flow rates.
thanks for the reply. a german 10k was my guess, but i wanted to confirm it.the tank that i am hooking it to is a 65 gal. with a 65gal. sump.there should only be about 10" of water. i'm useing dry rock and dry sand to prevent unwanted critters.for the return i'm planning to use an aquaclear 4000 (up 3' and over about 8'.) is there anything else i may be missing? i'm pretty exited to finally be able to try clams, and mabey an sps frag or two. thanks in advance for any other idea's.
$.02 worth

$.02 worth

wrasse777 said:
i'm useing dry rock and dry sand to prevent unwanted critters.

what kind of critters are you refering to? as pods and even bristel worms will make their way past the pump and will spread to this tank from the other main tank you stated its piggy backing.

also when you piggy back you have the same water quality in both tanks, if your other tank has high nitrates then the clam tank will turn its self into a ATS with the MH lighting. just a thought.

on the other hand if your water is fine, then best of luck and i am sure you will love the clams, i have a 5" durasa in a 29 under 220w of PC and two 2" maxima in a 75 with 800w MH and they all do great and are growing. they are very beautiful to look at.
