Help With My Maxima


Always deep under
My Maxima clam is realising a type of mucus from it's siphone. It's white with brown spots. no parazites seen, except 2 little aiptazia anemones on the shell.
Water quality good, high calcium and alkalinity.
2 x 400 watts metal helide.8 hours per day, the clams under the light.
I must say that when the helades are shut down, the ventilation entry opens widely(not normal) and first signs of bleaching started in the middle of the clam.
what can it be?? how can i save this clam.
It's not really a dip, it's more like a feeding. Clams will filter feed the phyto out of the water. I don't know what's wrong with the clam, but if you get some extra food in him it might help strengthen him up. Use a good quality phyto like DT's or Coral & Clam Diet.