Help with problem on clam


New member
I have what I think to be an aptasia (sp) living in one of the schutes (if that's what they are) in my maxima clam. What I see are only about 8-9 clear to tanish tentacles sticking out of the schute. What can I do to get rid of it without harming the clam. I hear most people inject the thing with hydrogen peroxide or a strong dose of kalk. I don't want to do it wrong and injur the clam, but I don't want it to spread in my tank either.
Any suggestions?
I sometimes see these on my clam shells as well. I like to kill these guys a little different from everybody else. In my spare time I inject aiptasia with all kinds of things to see what makes them shrink the fastest!

Actually, what I would do is wait till the anemone grows to a good size - usually just under 1/2 an inch. His tentacles can't hurt your clam. Go to your local pharmacy and buy some U-100 insulin needles. (The guage isn't really important for our purposes.)

My preferred poison of choice is Kent Marine's Tech-M Magnesium supplement. Draw some in the syringe, and hold your clam in the water. Inject the anemone with the Mg. You can inject it multiple times if you like, dosing a few units at a time.

You will find that the critter will shrink up considerably quick, and won't come back. I have injected kalk before, but with less gratifying results. Mg is more caustic IMO.

Happy Hunting!