

New member
One of my clams I believe it to be a squamosa, Im still not very good at identifying species has been closing its shell and retracting its mantle deeper and deeper a little more each day. Ive had it for about 3 months now and it had been in perfect health up untill about a week ago when I noticed it start this behavior. I have checked for snails or any other creature that could be causing the distubance and found nothing. all water params. are good in fact I have a derasas that sits on the sand bed right next to it with beautiful mantle extention. I have not seen the inhalent syphon gaping once just this pulling back of the mantle. some one please help!!! oh yeah Ive got a few pic loaded on to my computer but Im not good with pc's and dont know how to post them so I could use help with that as well. Thanks Guys and Gals.